Sunday, July 22, 2018

First Post in a Long while.  Things have changed to my Youtube channel.  No Longer a YT Partner as it was back in 2012.   While. That's Ok  I Do think some of the changes. To Youtube seems to be for the worst. I Have rebooted my Video Channel Manytimes to the Point. where i get burnt out on making videos. I Moved to dailymotion. but didn't seem to find much of an Audince. there. Those who Eventually. Read my website will understand my personal thoughts.  I Want my channel. to Grow in the worst way. Seems like I loose subs Rather than gain. those who are subbed to my channel. Barely comment on my videos. its like my videos doesn't matter to them. but i guess that is just the way i think. i'd love to be big on youtube have my Opion change the world. it was never about money that could be made.  or fame. it was just about  Saying i was that guy. who made a differcence in somone's Actual Life.   But   God Bless you that. Read my personal thoughts. and stick with my channel. during it's many changes  for the better or worse.

First Post in a Long while.  Things have changed to my Youtube channel.  No Longer a YT Partner as it was back in 2012.   While. That's ...